The Hungry Ghosts United recovery society practices the principle of self support, declining contributions from corporations and wealthy individuals. We rely on each other to support both our local groups and the group support services provided by our main office. We welcome the following types of donations:

  • Thank you for your support. Your donation to Hungry Ghosts United is being used to create new groups and to create the necessary support services for those groups.

  • Hungry Ghosts United groups rely on each other to directly support both our local groups and our main office. Thank you for supporting Hungry Ghosts United worldwide.

  • If your area group has gotten together and held a fundraiser among the local members to support our groups in the United States and around the world make your donation through the link below.

Donate to Hungry Ghosts United

Hungry Ghosts United is a 501c3 charitable organization. Your donations are tax-exempt and tax-deductible. Thank you for your service and your generosity in helping to bring our recovery practice to all those seeking help.